Our Vision

A united Catholic community actively living the Gospel values.

Our Mission

To holistically empower all people through evangelization and sustainable human development.

Our History

Historical Detail

Catholic Hierarchy


The Archdiocese of Nairobi covers two counties - the City of Nairobi (Nairobi county) and Kiambu county. It covers an area of 3,721sq. Km and is divided into 15 deaneries.

There are 120 parishes with over 4,000 Small Christian Communities. The Archdiocese serves an estimated population of well over 7.1 million people where 4.03 million are Catholics.

This population is highly cosmopolitan due to the fact that Nairobi city is the capital of Kenya with people from all communities in Kenya and the world at large. Thika municipality is an industrial centre ranking approximately 5th or 6th largest towns in Kenya. Other urban centres within the Archdiocese of Nairobi include Kiambu, Ruiru, Juja, Kikuyu, Karuri and Limuru.

Currently, the Archdiocese is under Archbishop Philip Anyolo,  the Auxiliary Bishops Rt. Rev. David Kamau Ng'ang'a, Rt. Rev. Simon Peter Kamomoe Rt. Rev. Wallace Ng'ang'a Gachihi, Archdiocesan Secretary, Procurator, Consultors, Senate of Priests, Finance Committee, Trustees, Tribunal and Deans.

It has 206 diocesan clergy, 230 religious institutes and congregations for women, 90 religious institutes and congregations for men, 8 University level institutions, 11 Major seminaries, 1 minor seminary, 30 Catholic lay movements and associations, 15 spiritual retreat centres, 9 catechetical and pastoral centres.

The Archdiocese of Nairobi is the seat of the Metropolitan Province of Nairobi.

Our Core Values

Our Goals

Our Objectives
